6 Years, 6 Wishes: The Advice I Would Give My 13-year- old Self

Even though the age thirteen was just a mere six years ago for me, I have since undergone a transformation of far greater caliber. Six years ago, I was overweight and lacked the discipline to take care of my body. Six years ago, I felt ashamed to be a 5’11’’ eighth grader who was the worst player on her basketball team. Six years ago, I was bullied for wearing glasses and braces. I was the girl who preferred reading to recess and inhaling spaghetti over sports. Six years ago, I was not Nina; I was “Ni-nerd” and fondly reminded of it daily by my classmates. Six years ago, I was afraid—afraid to be different and most of all, afraid to be myself. 

I told myself that if I was skinner, people would like me. If I was athletic, people would want to know me. If I wore contacts and hung out with the cool kids during break, I would have friends. What I did not realize at the time is that people cannot like you until you learn to like yourself. So, I did.

I stopped slouching in class to make myself seem shorter and reminded myself that my confidence should match my height. I quit basketball, because the combination of repeatedly failing to catch the ball and being the team benchwarmer brought me no joy. Instead, I joined my high school tennis team and worked my way down to a healthy weight. The braces I resented eventually came off, and I immersed myself in activities other than reading books. I learned to love myself, and love the things I used to think made me flawed. Because ultimately, the “Ni-nerd” I was six years ago, or the Nina I am today would now still follow the same advice: be fearless, be bold, be un-apologetic, be YOU.

Nina Forest, Miss Treasure Valley 2017

17 Fun Facts About the Miss America Class of 2017

Happy New Year! I hope 2017 is treating everyone well so far! I had an absolutely incredible year and was blessed by 2016. I have high hopes for the future and look forward to what 2017 has in store!

Rather that share typical new year's resolutions or bore you with my reflections on the past year I thought in honor of 2017, I would share 17 “fun facts” about the Miss America class of 2017.

1. We will forever be the class that is known for the iconic and incredible Landon the Intern. Not only was he a vital part of our Miss America experience, he continues to be apart of our lives today. All us contestants felt it was 100% necessary that he be included in our group chat.

2. The Miss America dressing room is stocked with food and drinks to keep us going throughout rehearsals. The two items that had the most demand: Costco bags of M&M’s and COFFEE!

3. What other Miss America class can say they filmed their Parade of States introductions in a Hurricane? Just add dancing in violent winds to our resumes!  Don’t believe me?! Check out the behind the scenes video called "Blowing away in AC”.

4. We were the first class to have our orientation in Washington DC. We had a full itinerary from visiting the White House, going to Arlington National Cemetery and a special night at the Lincoln Memorial. Not on the itinerary...the  lockdown we had at our Nation's Capitol building! Scary!

5. Curling Iron Mayhem! My curling iron broke 2 hours before my interview, Miss Iowa, Kelly Koch, realized she forgot her curling iron at her apartment when she got to the airport to leave for Miss America (mom came to the rescue) and Miss Vermont, Rylee Fields, dropped her curling iron on her leg 45 mins before going on stage for swim suit.

6. At Miss America it wasn't uncommon for us girls to break out into song at any given moment. One day at lunch we had a 15 minute Disney sing along! Take a look at the video!

7. During the live show, when we would go to commercial breaks, whether it was our nerves or love of group sing alongs, it was automatic that we broke out into song!

8. We love to NAP! On the floor, in a chair, on each other or in the special room they had for us called Sleep Hollow, it didn’t matter!

9. As a class we decided to do a secret santa in December! We all got matched up to another contestant through an online program and got to surprise each other with little Christmas gifts! I received a gift from Miss Mississippi, Laura Lee Lewis and sent a gift to Miss Kentucky, Laura Jones!

10. Wanna know something crazy!? When I went to the National Sweetheart Pageant I was paired with Miss Arkansas Sweetheart as my roommate and at Miss America my roommate was with the one and only Savvy Shields, Miss Arkansas and now Miss America!

11. A British accent was automatically required whenever saying “Jitney” or “The Golden Nugget”. Jitneys were the buses we took to get around Atlantic City and The Golden Nugget was one of the host hotels.

12. Miss Hawaii, Allison Chew, blew us all away with her gift to each contestant. A special tree planted and dedicated to each one of us in Hawaii that helps reduce our carbon footprint!

13. The Miss America Organization creates a powerful sisterhood but many of us have another sisterhood of incredible women! Several contestants are a part of a sorority at their colleges. A few to list are: Miss Louisiana: Kappa Delta, Miss Minnesota and Miss Iowa: Gamma Phi Betas, Miss Nebraska: Alpha Pi, Miss Delaware: Delta Gamma, Miss Georgia: Phi Mu, Miss Wyoming: Delta Delta Delta, Miss Mississippi and Miss Texas: Chi Omega, Miss Indiana: Zeta Tau Alpha and me, Miss Idaho: Alpha Sigma Alpha!

14. I golfed for the very first time at Miss America! Channeling my inner Kira Kazantsev! Want to see how this shot ends? Check out the video here.

15. With the help of Landon the Intern we decided to give out a few superlative awards on finals night! Our class clown award went to non other than the hilarious Miss California, Jessa Carmack.

16. In the Miss America dressing room there is ONE bathroom. Literally everyday at every second you would realize that not only were contestants covered in Sally Hansen tanning products but so was every inch of the bathroom.

17. All contestants have official state titleholder social media accounts! You can follow anyone of us by searching at Miss America and the state's abbreviation. For example to follow Miss Idaho @MissAmericaID! Follow us all on Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter and Facebook!

Keeping Fit in the Winter

Normally, most of us are more active when the weather is better. You may think the only way to get a workout in the winter is to go to the gym and battle the New Years Resolution crowd. To the people that think this, you must have never shoveled a foot of snow off your driveway. Luckily for our biceps this year has been generous with the snow. Keep it up Mother Nature. You're only making me look better. 


I am someone who loves to workout in the great outdoors. Hiking, biking, climbing and going for evening runs. The only real outdoor exercise I get in the Winter is skiing. The problem with skiing is that I'm not excellent. So while my family and friends are gracefully bouncing down the hills in perfect technique, I am wondering why I let them trick me into thinking the run was a green circle. It's not a day of skiing in my house if I haven't secretly cried in fear once. I can hear my little brothers yelling "Kate stop pizza-ing down the hill and parallel turn." They call it "french fry" when you learn how to ski; First, you pizza turn and then you finally learn how to french fry turn. For the sake of this blog on winter fitness, it should be called "carrot stick turn." No matter how many children under five pass me throughout the day, I always feel like I've had a fun time and a great workout. 

There is one way to stay fit I would recommend to anyone who is sick and tired of the cold. Bikram and other forms of hot yoga are wonderful. For 60-90 minutes you can be 100% hot. So sensationally hot that it lingers. Your body actually gets so warm it blocks out the cold while you walk out to your car after class. I love it because you feel completely refreshed afterward. If you're like me and get congested in the winter being in the hot, humid room can work miracles on your sinuses. Most classes I've been to allow you to go at your own pace which is a relief because yoga truly is an art.

"Okay class, now we're going to crouch down and raise your body onto the tips of your pinky toes."

*waits to hear modification for us normal people

"If you can't make it to the tips of your pinky toes try the next toe over."

*slips into child's pose and waits while girl in a pretzel one mat over judges you

Seriously, though, give it a try if you ever get the chance because you feel like a million bucks afterward. 

When all else fails, there is always the gym and an internet full of home workouts to try! Thanks for letting me share some of mine. Remember that summer is coming and we will all be a little more sun kissed and toned when it does.

-Kate Marshall, Miss Gate City